In July of 1967, Joni Eareckson (Now Joni Eareckson Tada) was in a diving accident that left her a quadriplegic. Now she has a ministtry known as Join and friends: She is a singer, artist (she draws with the brush between her teeth), has a radio show, heads a ministry and writes books. Her most recent book is A Place of Healing: Wrestling with the Mysteries of Suffering. The following is from her book, where she is quoting Dave Powlison of Christian Couneling Education in a letter he wrote to Joni discussing his own battle with cancer.
Joni, I have learned that for every one sentence you sat to others about your cancer, say ten sentences about your God, your hope, and what he is teaching you, and the small blessings of each day. For every hour you spend researching or discussing your cancer, spend ten hours researching, discussing and serving your Lord. Relate all that you are learning about cancer back to Him and His purposes, and you won't become obsessed [with fears and doubts].
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